
This is my tester.




Rewriting the Stories of Children in Foster Care 

The James Project is a not-for-profit Christian ministry SEARCHX in Springfield, Illinois which provides homes and support for fostering families in Sangamon County.  We believe we can help fostering parents and the children they serve through the provision of homes with larger than average spaces, enabling a foster family to care for the maximum number of foster children allowed by Illinois state law.  The James Project also includes Closet 1:27—a ministry which serves hundreds of foster families each year by distributing clothing, beds, and necessities to newly placed foster children.  We also understand the importance of having quality foster parents to care for the displaced children in our midst, and our Call 1:27 ministry was designed specifically to provide mentoring to prospective foster and adoptive SEARCHX parents.

Through our extensive network of individuals, businesses, and churches who are eager to provide many essential resources for our fostering families, our hope and prayer is to make the tough job of fostering easier as we help facilitate foster parents’ ability to provide a home environment where the children in their care will thrive.

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Pretty cool that it is embedded right into my page.

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Hi Mike!

